2020: The Year of Limitless Opportunities and Challenges… Predictions by Sundeep Kochar


Dr. Sundeep Kochar, internationally renowned celebrity Astrologer, Vaastu Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Actor, Anchor & Author; He has touched the lives of people across the globe and shares his predictions for 2020 with Indoindians.com

Year 2020 is one of the most fascinating years from Astrology perspective. This year will be exciting and challenging depending upon how we act and react to situations. Most of us tend to react to situations and look for remedies. Those who take things in the right spirit and move forward are the ones who will benefit the most this year.

For starters, Jupiter has just transited to Sagittarius from Scorpio and will stay in its own house till 19th Nov 2020. Technically, Jupiter will impact its own house and the houses of Aries, Gemini and Leo Zodiac, Saturn will transit from Sagittarius to its own house Capricorn from Jan 24th. Which means that the ‘Sadesati’ will commence for Aquarius. Scorpio will be out of Sadesati effects.

The major transit influencing planets namely Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu are either in its own house or exalted. The chances of occurrence of major events in ones’ life increases significantly. The nature of results depends on the placement of each planet in the respective individual charts.

Not only the houses barring Virgo will be impacted directly or influenced by one of the three major transit planets, all the houses that has exaltation or friendly houses will be impacted by one or more of these transiting planets. Hence this year is going to be a major crossing point for many people, and one should really try and take full benefit of this transit.

The general prediction is that the world will witness major turbulence and worldwide many economies will experience major recession. Hence, as challenges of global events will impact and consume individual luck and events, it is necessary for every individual to understand the mysteries of the new year.

Here is a reading for each of the 12 sun signs. Click on each to read more:

  1. Aries – This is the year of Growth and New Partnerships.
  2. Taurus – You will see a transformation in the first 9 months and then sudden changes in the last quarter.
  3. Gemini –Year of passion, romance, love and partnerships. Are you in the game?
  4. Cancer – Building Trust and strengthening relationships will be the focus.
  5. Leo – This year will be for Long travels, Luck and Spiritual Transformation.
  6. Virgo – Get ready for rewards and some unexpected gains
  7. Libra – Get ready for a Successful Career, Fame and Rewards.
  8. Scorpio – You star the year with renewed vigor and strong spiritual perspective.
  9. Sagittarius – The Golden Year is waiting for you.
  10. Capricorn – Preparation and Planning will be your best friends this year.
  11. Aquarius – This a start of a New Horizon. You are the master of your fate and it is you who can chart your own course.
  12. Pisces – This year you will discover the power of your inner self.

Sundeep Kochar is a celebrity astrologer. For personal interpretations he can be reached at www.sundeepkochar.com